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How to find a job in Germany

In Germany, there is full employment. Therefore, it is easy to find a job quickly to increase your standard of living. Tempton is happy to support you as Germany's best personnel service provider. Please feel free to contact a Tempton office at any time.

The most important steps on your career path include:

Learn the language

One of the most important elements of integration is learning the German language. Germany has therefore developed an integration package for foreigners who have immigrated to the country:

  • 600 hours of free German training;
  • 200 hours of integration course to get to know the rules and habits in the country.

This integration course is offered free of charge to every refugee from Ukraine by the Foreigners' Registration Office.

We also recommend additional courses that can be found on the Internet:

  • To get started, you can use the online site "My way to Germany": Link
  • Free offers to improve your German language skills at the Goethe-Institut can be found here: Link
  • You can find the Goethe-Institut's „Onleihe“ service here: Link
  • Overview of materials for learning German on the service Onleihe: Link
  • Visit also the offer to learn German language of "Deutsche Welle" in Ukrainian: Link.

Regardless, it is worth paying attention to the offers of the Adult Education Center in your city, which provides German classes on an ongoing basis. The classes are not free, but the Adult Education Center offers a significant discount to Ukrainian refugees.

Our recommendation: In any case, we advice you to use the time until your first job for a language course. This time is well invested and usually leads to you being able to get significantly better jobs. Therefore, it is better to first spend 2-3 months in language courses and then continue learning after a job entry.

Work permit

As a Ukrainian war refugee with temporary protection and a residence permit, you will also receive a work permit.

Please do not start working until you have already received a residence permit or a fictitious certificate.


Germany has an overall minimum wage set by law, the minimum wage is currently 9.82 euros/hour "dirty", from July 1, 2022 it will be raised to 10.45 euros. However, as a rule, companies pay much better.

Under the existing bill, the minimum wage is to be raised to 12 euros from October 1, 2022. In some industries, there are binding minimum wages that exceed the level of the statutory general minimum wage, for example in the care, electrical, building cleaning and construction sectors. You can find out about the level of minimum and average wages in Germany by occupation, specialist area, sector and region by clicking on the link below.

You can also get reliable information about salaries in your qualification here, for example:

Taxation and social insurances

Income tax

The employment contract concluded between an individual and a company specifies a gross salary. This amount includes income tax and just under half of the social security contributions. These are withheld directly by the employer and transferred to the state or to the social insurance institutions. The employer also pays just under half of the social security contributions in addition to the gross salary.

The basic exempt amount for income tax is currently EUR 10,347. This means that no income tax is due on this amount.

Social deductions

Employees will have to spend around 14.6 percent on social insurance in 2022. This includes health insurance, pension insurance, long-term care insurance and unemployment insurance.

Net income

We recommend using a so-called gross-net calculator to get a real estimate of your future net salary, i.e. the amount you will be paid. Here is a Link.

How I can quickly get the right job

Our core business is getting people into the right job. To do this, Tempton works with over 11,500 companies that use Tempton to place employees every year.

We would like to accompany you on your way to your dream job. To do this, you should make an appointment at a Tempton office as soon as possible.

There are two ways to do this:

Please prepare the following information for the personal interview:

  • Education, including a qualification certificate (if available),
  • Specialization;
  • Work experience (period, type of work, employer, location);
  • Additional knowledge and skills;
  • language skills

Please note that knowledge of the German language is of great importance. Therefore, we strongly recommend to start a German course immediately.

Our offices will contact you as soon as we have received your data and arrange an appointment for a personal interview. This way you will receive a professional recommendation about your qualifications and job prospects and your career in the future.

Our Tempton offices have specialized in getting people into jobs for over 30 years.

After the interview, we'll keep you updated on available job opportunities that are a good fit for you.

Why Tempton?

We understand that many Ukrainians were forced to leave their homeland and are looking for temporary accommodation in Germany. We know that you want to go back home with all your heart.

At the same time, we see that Ukrainians, as a hard working nation, are eager to start working and stand on their own feet as soon as possible.

We as Tempton want to use all our network and skills to help you quickly build an alternative professional future here.

The advantage of temporary work is that you can look into different activities while being employed by Tempton for an unlimited period of time. So if something goes wrong or you don't like a job or a company, you are still employed by Tempton and we will find you an alternative job.

If you want to start directly in a company without temporary employment, we will also accompany you to the perfect job with our job coaches. We will suggest you to potential employers and guide you through the entire application process.